domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017


Taking advantage of the fact that to get to Lund it is necessary to fly to Copenhagen first, during the weekend I had the chance  to visit the Danish capital, strolling through its streets, eating something in the New Harbour with its colorful houses, enjoiyng the Tivoli, going up the Astronomical Tower , visiting the cathedral ... sunny and quiet weekend, loading piles for shadowing job week.

Aprovechando que para llegar a Lund es necesario volar hasta Copenhagen, el fin de semana aproveché para conocer la capital danesa, pasear por sus calles, comer algo en el Puerto Nuevo, con sus casas de colores, acercarme al Tivoli, subir a la Torre Astronómica, visitar la catedral... fin de semana soleado y tranquilo, cargando pilas para la semana de job shadowing.

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